Once again I bought a laptop, a Dell XPS 13 9300, and tried to install Ubuntu as a dual boot (along with Windows 10). I expected no problems but was met with some surprises. Long story short, below are the expected and the actual steps needed.

Expected steps:

  1. Enter BIOS/UEFI
  2. Change boot order
  3. Boot from USB device and install Linux

Actually needed steps:

  1. Disable device encryption on Windows
  2. Enter BIOS/UEFI
  3. Change boot order
  4. Disable RST (Enable AHCI)
  5. Boot from USB device and install Linux

Disable device encryption on Windows

This step is only needed to install Ubuntu as dual boot alongside Windows. If dual boot is not needed, skip this step.

Steps that worked in my case. Note that the labels might be different as I used Windows in a different language than English.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Go to Updates & Security
  3. Select last item on the left: Device Encryption
  4. Disable (press Turn Off-button)

Additional Information about Device Encryption

I encountered the Windows device encryption (Bitlocker) the first time. If its encryption key is needed, then here are some commands that might be useful. In order to execute them, open a terminal (cmd) with administrator rights (right-click terminal link)

  • Get Bitlocker key (for device C:): manage-bde -protectors -get C:
  • Set Bitlocker key (for device C:): manage-bde -protectors -add C: -RecoveryPassword
  • Disable encryption on device C:: manage-bde -off C:
  • Check Bitlocker status: manage-bde -status


Make sure to plug in your USB stick with the bootable Linux before restart/bootup.

From Windows:

  1. Open Settings,
  2. Go to Updates & Security
  3. Select Recovery
  4. Press Restart
  5. In the blue menu do: Troubleshoot -> Advanced Options -> Startup Settings and then: Restart

Or press F2 or F12 during startup.

In the menu:

  • Go to Boot Options to change the boot sequence (and apply changes)
  • Go to General Settings and change from RST (Rapid Storage Technology) to AHCI (and apply changes)

After Exit the Dell XPS should boot from the USB stick.