blog 9 … from outer address space

Android Splash Screen

I inherited a react-native project which is still in r&d phase and lacked the splash screen. Its original creator had less interest in dealing with the Android side and left it, therefore, mostly untouched. For some reasons the app contained a splash screen on iOS, not sure whether this is by default there or it had been added by someone in XCode. In any case, because I started making an equivalent Android version, I thought, there should also be a splash screen.
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Reoccurring Problems with Soap

Once in a while, rather seldom, I need to deal with a SOAP API. And whenever I do, I forget wath I am supposed to do. So, recently I was required once again to do so. Here are some steps to look at. As I am working in node-world I have been using the node library node-soap Even though I am using node-soap, this article does not try to blame that library, but is more due to other problems that I have or encounter using SOAP APIs.
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Resolving AWS Elastic Beanstalk Deployment Failures

Recently I upgraded my AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EB) images 1. Since I encountered issues in the past, I dreaded doing this for my ~10 environments. For most of the time this went smoothly. But as each step in the process takes a few minutes, the whole process still takes a lot of time. But one EB environment ended up in RED state while every bit of information on the AWS platform showed no signs of something wrong.
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Ubuntu - MySQL Service Startup Failure with Mounted Data-Directory

Fixing MySQL service startup failure
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Hello World

Sample Post
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